Sunday, October 29, 2006

Plymouth Respect Festival finally over and I was bloody tired. Taking care of the booth from the morning, waiting for the henna, attending people and workshop, from 8 am to 4.30 pm, was quite tiring.

Anyhow, I had fun, and I wish that Plymouth Respect Festival will arrange the events, not scattered in 2 days. I like Exeter's Respect Fest, they got series of events and it takes the whole week. So people (like me) who would love to go to many events will have oppotrunity to do so. Not cramping everything in a day. There are so many things I missed yesterday, for example, I didn't managed to go to each and every stall in the guildhall, the extreme sports perfomance, the cultural concert, the booths in the sundial, etc. I wish the henna booth can handle more people and the queue will be much shorter. I wish.

I joined for awhile the Football for Poetry Workshop. Football via poem is a cool way to detach racism from football. Football can unite people. Football is not a place for violance. It's for people who have sportmanship and love football passionately. Poetry too. It conveys what football can't say. I wish I can get the Kick Racism Out of Football T-Shirt. I wish again.

4.30 pm, I helped my friends to pack the stuffs of Malaysian booth. Time to go home. Been there for a day and I did many things. Whew~

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